Monday, August 8, 2011

And then there was two.

As I had mentioned I have been around for a while and as you can imagine I have met people during my time.  I see the alert stating so and so has logged on or off.  Well there is always one name that catches my attention and that of an old friend of mine, JessyJames.  So one day I decide to to send him a mail verifying if in fact that it is still him.  Well he answers back stating that it is and best of all is he referred to me as J and not Jadark.  I knew instantly that this was him.  After talking for a bit he decided to join up with me.  Now my corp has two members.

I guess a little history here between the two of us.  He was my mentor in pvp many many years ago.  My second day in EVE and took me out to a low sec to do some pvp.  For a long time we flew together and were very successful together.  We never had to say anything each other we just always knew what the other person was going to do and just worked together in harmony.  When I was speaking with him he had said he missed flying with people he could completely trust in the heat of the moment.  He mentioned all the kills he was getting in FW and was getting close to 4000 kills and something like 2000 solo kills.  So next thing I know he is sending in an application and I am flying down to Black Rise.  All of this is kind of amusing as he was my former CEO and has much better corp skills, in fact he has the skills to form an alliance.

So we finally meet up in Black Rise and he is telling me all about FW missions.  Now I had enrolled my corp in FW the previous day so I am ready to rock.  He grabs a mission and we head out.  I am a little nervous as this is my first time back on the hunt in over a year.  He is telling me all about the changes and how insane the Dramiel is.  Now I am flying a duel web Hookbill but I am still not sure I want to face a Dramiel.  He is flying a Tengu setup for blitzing/pvp, so small and quick is not what I see, not now anyways.  We get to the first mission beacon and things are going good mission wise.  Suddenly I see a red Dramiel show up on my overview.  Mumble under my breath in disbelief, of all ships this has to be my first encounter.  I see in comms from Jessy, "Go get him."  Well it is time to see what I got, I select the Dramiel, set orbit to 5000m and target him.  He is burning in fast so I don't bother with my MWD, as soon as he is in range I fire off my scram, both webbers, and my rocket launchers loaded T2 rage rockets.  I am watching my shields drop but his is dropping slightly faster.  I am getting pretty nervous as I know for a fact that I am shield tanked, however I have no idea about him as I know nothing about the Dramiel except is is fast and deadly.  His shields drop and now is the moment of truth, time to tell for sure if it shield or armour tanked.  His armour starts to melt really fast, he is about half way through armour and my shield dropped.  At this point I know he doesn't have time to switch out ammo and my EM resists should hold out.  Then finally boom a nice explosion and a little pod in overview.  I try to target but he gets away.  I swing over to the wreck and take what I can fit in my little cargo hold and tell Jessy to take the rest.

Sometime during that fight it looks like Jessy had finshed off the mission objective and tells me it is time to head to the second mission.  We jump to the next system over and I am starting to get back into the pvp feel of things.  As I am warping to the mission gate I noticed on directional scan a Coercer.  I notify Jessy and he simply replied back that guy wouldn't have a chance against us.  A few moments later I see in local some one yelling Leroy Jenkins.  Suddenly as expected is the Coercer but about 15km from me and moving away.  I pulse my MWD and close to range, dual web, scram, and rockets all on.  Less then 3 seconds later I am targeting his pod.  He choose to take the time to say "GAY" in local which gave me enough time to finish lock and promptly pod him.  We had been back together for 15 minutes and already had two nice kills.

Honestly I am not a huge fan of the Hookbill fit I used.  I will admit it is much much better then the one I was using, considering I was mission spec'd.  I have since built another Hookbill with some slight changes.  I decided to swap out the MWD for an AB to keep my constant speed up.  I also decided to close up that huge EM hole in my shields.  Seems every ship I have fought so far is using either fleet EMP or Scorch.  Overall I like the Hookbill, it is a cheap decent little ship.  I am tempted to go back to a bigger ship but I do want to keep costs down.  Soon I should be able to fly the Wolf/Jaguar, actually all the Min T2 frigates.  Figured since I have AF V I might as well take advantage of it.  Then from there I will need to decide if I want to do Min Cruiser V or Amarr Cruiser V.  Can't decide if I want to go Vagabond or Curse/Pilgram.  I might spend a week to learn T2 projectile(which I will have to do for Vagabond) and mess about with a Nanocane while I learn either one of them.

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